Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Mild Pains One Week Before Period
On Wednesday August 20 opened in the Galilee Sa Plaça Botigueta coffee and in front of the Church.
With beautiful panoramic sea and mountain, Jaime Pujol, the owner, wants to provide a service to the people and tourists who come to enjoy the beautiful views that fosters Galilee. The people of Galilee
we are pleased to have another site to which to attend and which to complementerá Parish Bar and Restaurant in providing services that come in handy to properly care for residents and tourists that request. This increases
tourism in our beautiful little town.
Congratulations to Jaime and her family for the efforts made and wish him the best of luck in your mission.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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In last night opened on Main Street in Puigpunyent the Bar, Cafe and Restaurant CAN BLAU.
Shot Toni, the owner invited the community puigpunyenti to enjoy drinks and tapas.
CAN BLAU located in a new building has two floors nicely decorated.
From September will serve varied menus and dinner buffets are served salads served with meat or fish.
The objective is to provide Puigpunyent owns a service that will please the community.
It will serve tapas, drinks and especially as Toni says: Our goal is to provide a good service and for that puigpunyentines invite you to visit us and know us.
Hours are 8-23 horas.No be closed during the month of August during week. From September
is cerrarálos Tuesdays.
Congratulations to Toni and colleagues and we wish him the best of luck in this your new venture.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
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the ball foot. Why I'm not a fan called. And if I asked for a football player or the position within the field, would do nothing to declare my supine ignorance. I must confess that although I'm not addicted to football, if I see the finals where they decide who is the best in the world or, as in these days in the Euro cup. I do not only distraction but because I like to observe the reaction of people who gather in stadiums and in the streets to help up to their heroes in victory or mourn with them in defeat. The football show, for the fans and for any outside observer, a great catalyst of emotions and, More importantly, in an unequivocal sign of identity.
I do not know where his magic, this charming subterranean passions and moves with them, crowds, people from all walks of life united by their inspiration, in fact, the latter, who are unable or religions or political ideologies , or the suffering and pain of huge masses of people in various parts of the world. I do not know if it's the genius of a player, or the overall effort or error opponent's unprecedented what attracts the euphoria of victory and identifies one being a mass of followers.
Euro 2008, which is the topic at hand, has been a great show not only the English but for all countries involved in it. We all enjoyed the good work of our players, the evenings have brought us glory, the staging of the best football we've seen in years. So I salute from here to each and every one of the members of the English and, especially, his coach for having suffered with patience, misunderstanding of some and the diatribes of others in the knowledge that was doing well duties as has been demonstrated. But if he has shown good football selection, there is another aspect much more subtle and certainly much more important has become clear: the length and breadth of the country, in all towns and places of Spain, in every home, caught the spirit of national identity. All of a English felt over the flags and political ideologies, regionalism above to get tax perks and sinecures. The football has shown, contrary to what a bunch of clueless saying that Spain is a great and supportive, and that the only thing broken is the shortsighted interests of small sectors of the political spectrum, everyday less weight in the major national decisions. Carlos Herrera Rozo
hispanocolombiano Writer who writes for www.noticiascalvia.com.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Does Heartgold Work With Desume
The writer Carlos Herrera Rozo starter with a group of people in Calvia digital newspaper www.noticiascalvia.com kindly given me the opportunity to continue his journey of taking the thinker written there and making him known in these pages.
Thank you for your generosity and good work in the difficult world of reflection.
He and those involved in this new project the best of luck as these roads are built, and growing community that wonderful network of social thought.
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
When your journey will start this online journal, dear reader, come to my mind some words written by Franz Kafka, back in 1922, in Prague. His text, which I invite you to read carefully, is as follows:
"Everything allegories * trying to say is simply that the incomprehensible is incomprehensible, and we already know. But the problems we face every day is another matter. On that topic
ask a man once
- Why so much obstinacy? If you followed only allegories, I convertiríais you them in allegories and so resolveríais your everyday problems.
"Another said:" I bet anything that this too is an allegory "
" The first said: "Do cattle"
"The second replied:" But, unfortunately, only allegorically. "
" The first replied: "No . In real life. Allegorically you lost. "
The text, reader, leaves the bitter taste of not having understood anything, the real concern that any interpretation we make about it is false. But behind these initial reactions lies the stark and simple truth, namely that we should read with profit prepared, thoughtfully, always seeking the truth that lies behind the words, just so we get to know that some readings are better than others: more informed, more reliable, more enjoyable, more exciting or more disturbing. Understandably, always, when we read, we are between two paths or more, two or more interpretations of the same text: This means that we face what the text says and what he reads plays. Ernest
Pawell, in his splendid biography of Kafka claims that the author studies exceed 15,000 volumes and Alberto Mangel adds: "Kafka read it literal, allegorical, politically and psychologically. " The fact that a reader transcendent despair, another smile and another cry upon reading the same page tells us something about the nature of the act of reading. Kafka once wrote that "we should only read works, written, and we bite us scratching" and is precisely what we intend to do from these digital pages of this newspaper.
Dear readers, these pages only find objective facts, truths that can be collated and analyzed by all without suffering any errors of course. The everyday problems of our community Calvia and all those who transcend, but in one way or another affect us. Pages that surely will cause surprise and shock, but you never take the path of uncertainty. Zoom out as much as possible of the "politically correct" using language appropriate for us to be interpreted in accordance with the facts and not the gruesome hodgepodge of words: We will call a spade a spade and, wine, wine.
In the next chapter in this column we will try to fill a void that, in my opinion, is absolute in the world we live in: The understanding of democracy in the XXI century. Pretend, dear reader, giving the public as well as to lighten falcon flight, the basic tools that allow understand the political moment in which they live and the practical implications in the decision-making.
will try to develop a systematic brief texts on democracy and tradition of political thought. Will probably not be all text, given the limited time and space, but we will quote the most important. I will make a brief exposition of classical texts and we will with regard to the contemporary world to try to understand the universality of democracy both in the field of international institutions, such as Democracy is related to the domestic political environment.
I am convinced of the importance of the issue before us hereafter, so much so that today we live in a time of great diversity. Divergence of the world we live and our idea of \u200b\u200bit, between our ancestors and our future, between ourselves and the other aspires to fairness and justice, between the wealth we produce, its influence within groups unequal social and income redistribution between the rapid technical development and our inability to control and put at the service of human beings. In the interim of a few decades we have seen the world we knew was fading and appeared before our eyes another entirely different for which we were not prepared nor intellectual, nor conceptually why, even today, have not been able to gauge and understand the mutation.
To close this page I want to make as a reflection on the world we live in and their painful transition, which still draws some unwanted shreds the claim by Mario Vargas Llosa, in relation to the novels of Celine and Louis Fredinand general vision of the world that: "Under the orderly appearance of a world that keeps the forms, nest all kinds of monsters: husbands who take it out of its failure to beat their wives, employees and police officers who beat a brutal colonial Native dizzying, hate the other - a stranger is the neighborhood, or of a different race, language or religion, abuse of authority, and, in the minds of these sick spirits, in short, the secret hope that something, someone finally come to bring order and hierarchies pistol and fuck * in this brothel degenerated into that society has become.
Therefore, respected reader, I invite you to subscribe to this online newspaper. Just simply enter your email address in the special housing.
nothing further until the next issue,
Carlos Herrera Rozo.
* Allegories: "Fiction in virtue of which represents or means something different in otra"
fuck *: 1. loc. Verb. coloq. Echarse to lose badly tener fin.
1. loc. Verb. coloq. Rechazarlo with insolence and abundantly.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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The poet Thomas spent a delightful bondadades proclamation highlighting the Galilee and its people. The music Banda Lira Esporlerina encouraged the opening of the Holiday 2007
The tradition in Galilee S'EMBUTAR
'S GAME S'embutar in Galilee
game where blindfolded participants try to hole out a funnel in an onion that hangs overhead as a group of musicians xeremies prevent them from listening to instructions from the audience. Still held in the Festival of Galilee each year by September.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
Sunday, June 8, 2008
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privilege is to behold, in the context of a day lit, an artistic creation.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
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Friday, May 16, 2008
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is indisputable that we are facing a formidable challenge: Or continue blurring the design of life with our wrong way to understand the interrelationships of living beings on the planet or we continue with this insane idea that capitalism leads to predation without measure, I used to be that we, the accumulation of wealth in few hands which involves the abuse of resources Planet that are the heritage of humanity. Or we moved smartly to a new model where human beings have the opportunity to enjoy and make life worth in casaTierra.
If we were on a bus and within it a few thanks to its strength and power (capitalism) were left without food, without a seat to other passengers this would lead to chaos and this trip will surely end up in an accident.
This planet is limited in its resources and is generous is to hold a major human population as long as humans understand that we can not build our capitalist machine geometry and resources in few hands.
is more eloquent than those who advocate population control human are precisely those that are most prey to planeta.Casi say that bothers people though they account for the smooth achievement of the objectives of accumulation of wealth (huge contradiction)
The emerging countries who want to get in the car of capitalism put us in check at all because we would need more planets to develop and flourish a capitalist model, say Spain. Logically
growing population on a planet out of control even well-organized mind, it would collapse, but this is not the case today. Huge funds are appropriated
extensive land, monopolize agriculture, fisheries, water etc ... this is what makes things do not go in a direction that is not good either for species or for life.
It is clear that we must solve the problem ... the earth is patient and can start again from the broth and poisonous sulfur from which life began.
When fully understand who we are and where we begin to build a society with chances of survival.
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Manuel Vazquez Montalban
First conference in international symposia organized by the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Science Economics and Business, University of Santiago de Compostela on 8 and 9 May 1980. Included in the book Culture and media subsidiaries , Editing Miguel Cancio, Edicios do Castro, A Coruña, 1982.
late Echoing what goes on within more mature cultural situations, has now reached Spain the issue of the crisis of the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress and revival of the literary-political premonition Orwell : 1984. Most analysts of the crisis of the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress dating back to the classic book by John Bury: The Idea of \u200b\u200bProgress. Sad but English culture. Their approaches to the forward-bourgeois politics of culture have historically been frustrated by powerful reactionary forces who were inside and when it appeared that was finally to reach the progressive sense of history, is that the bourgeoisie has closed and put on the doors of the temples of historical optimism legend: Closed due to death.
Spain has joined the concert or embarrassment of democratic states at the height of the crisis of neo-capitalism, hinted at in the late 60's and still prophesied lasting 15 years (the optimists) or 30 (the pessimistic). The crisis of neo-capitalism is reflected in the breakdown of the progressive growth of the profit rate and capacity of capitalist accumulation. These effects are attributed to the gains achieved by workers in developed capitalist countries since the collapse of the international division of labor force since the end of World War II. The struggle to reinstate capitalism "work discipline" by both the center and the periphery of the system. It is mission of this paper go to Iran to reflect the profound failure that affects the international division of labor, but to stay in Spain and see the cultural effects of the capitalist crisis. To cope with the crisis in their own metropolitan area, capitalism has turned to a relentless legal and cultural battle to intimidate the progressive forces. The legal battle resulting in a hardened subjective interpretation of each legal superstructure, used as a flexible brace each judiciary loose or tight depending on the needs of the ruling class. The cultural battle is applied to inoculate historical pessimism, even catastrophic, to intimidate the rising classes, and force them to stop if not go back to "hold" a certain estatuts of survival. This inoculation is exercised at all levels: from the film sharks that eat the naked girls, even the physiologists discovering the finitude of human brain cell, through the writers sunday raised even the possibility of a solar blackout. Historical pessimism wants to be used by the bourgeoisie to scare your opponents, keep the initiative and at the same time, it becomes also a flag on the left, including the Marxist left, to raise awareness about the criminality of a system that leads to disaster for that to keep its rate of return, the cumulative capacity.
The truth is that the cultural battle of merits raised in the bosom of the mother country or its provinces, and Spain is a province of this city, is an unequal battle in which organized pessimism rise from the apparatus of the bourgeoisie, the critical pessimism of the radical left and approaches, today, almost without limitation, the so-called established left, advocates an alternative model of development. Not quite sure whether an alternative model involves a new idea of \u200b\u200bprogress that has nothing to do with the rapid progress and apparently spontaneous advocated by capitalism or is limited to being a computer model of chaos. I think in the same characterization of the alternative model is the real characterization of a reformist or revolutionary vision of a socialist alternative to capitalist crisis.
This approach is a proposal abstract sublimated real situations operant in the capitalist system, but applying it to Spain had to take into account its historical uniqueness. In Spain, out of cultural protectionism, dictatorship, to enter the liberal at a time of acute crisis of the system. That crisis, until now, has been approached from a neo-liberal economic means to leave to chance the market any cultural initiative politically manage the outcomes of asphyxia in the market, taking into account the incompetence shown by the most conscientious and progressive social group to provide cultural alternatives to the capitalist supply. Not to be expected A CULTURAL CHARITY information in general or in particular, moved from the state because the state has the excuse of the crisis, the most pressing health care problems and the real purpose of existence not to provide any means of cultural production likely to be antagonistic.
is, in the field of culture experience the effects of a strategy and class system before the crisis, led to desmantalar or impossible to answer the historical antagonism, especially fearful response by the globalizing dimension of the crisis because it affects even the plausibility of the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress that capitalism has tried to involve the whole of society, beyond class consciousness. In a moment it's the old dilemma or socialism or barbarism is complemented by the or capitalism or survival and exemplified in the ruin of the whole value system of capitalist civilization defensive response, coercive, nihilistic, which is giving this system is a sufficient diagnosis of the extent of their disease.
Such defensiveness has been expressed at various levels, but the issue should be given priority level at which officials found high culture and mass media to launch a systematic campaign against Marxism, which is inconsistent or even policy with the installation of Marxism in Spain but with the rigor with which Marxism can diagnose the agony of the system and offer radical alternatives. Compared to Marxism opposes an unholy alliance of neo-liberal economics, neo-authoritarian policy-anarchist ilustraneo most appreciated if they offer the connotation of being ex-Marxists. The fight against Marxism is an international cross-cultural philosophy unifies neoliberal ideological thrust of the Trilateral Commission and the philosophy of nihilism aesthetes disenchanted conforming to the new spiritual reservoir of the West. This cultural operation not only occurs in the high specialized writing, increasingly devoted to philology that thought, but permeate the media and is apparently more mundane to instill in the popular classes did not pursue his ideology because no identity. Disidentify pursued the antagonist and offer the alternative of prefabricated mirror that returns the image of a survivor who has to acknowledge in the worst case, the forecast shown in the system of unemployment insurance. This operation
mixed cove levels of the fugitives, the shortcomings Marxists, even their old and overcoming , out of its ideology of "floats" unable to "roll" of the "modeln" with the action away with the mass media in Spain really are in the hands of State (Television) or MNCs (disk). The result of the action In tune so powerful and skilled in media is the cultural castration of the masses, because it prevents a conscious apprehension of the world around them and the transformative role that they deserve. The bourgeoisie is trying to hide in this way the impasse that is, renunciation of dialectical idea that every end is a beginning and is installed in the end as if the story had already ended. English
critical intelligence (and it included a large proportion of journalists and communications specialists) had made a hard fight against fascism in defense of democratic freedoms. Consecrated in the constitutional roles, those democratic freedoms become mere formal freedom when the ruling classes take hold of them by controlling the means of production. I do not produce any blush returning to resuscitate the ABC of Marxism to refocus and try to understand why the advent of constitutional democracy in Spain has not developed the creativity expected or has collapsed the walls of Jericho which compartments culture. You can say that today, as they say the day after the fall of Franco, the English critical intelligence has to consider that the real cultural creativity is stalled because the problem is not to recover the liberties democratic instruments, but wield the tools that enable these democratic freedoms and become agents of social change. Appears with all its useless exercise pilgrims to settle in the formal freedoms and try to populate the content of progress, hobbled by the current cultural organization, increasingly controlled by big capital and its political servants.
The crisis situation favors the proposal for a cultural revolution that bet on a change of mind, here and now, without awaiting the fatal condition of a change of class power. The cultural vacuum left by the bourgeois crisis must be filled by an alternative socialist mass culture, put the optimism of the rising classes pessimism descedentes class and rebuild the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress in the true sense of struggle against the limitations of man to higher levels of fullness.
cultural disenchantment of the bourgeoisie at the evidence of degree zero of its sense of development, there must be neither accepted nor corrected by the popular classes, but substituted its own hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bderived from their own objective and subjective needs.
international face of the lack of solidarity that characterizes a world capitalist system to survive is to raise the positive value of international solidarity. Front
individualism inoculated winners and survivors by bourgeois culture must provide the values \u200b\u200bof cooperation and solidarity developed among the popular classes. Front
irresponsible promotion of artificial needs should provide new targets for social life, among which are the primary nature conservation against capitalist predation.
schemes face interpersonal relationships based on ownership and productive or reproductive manipulation, provide the values \u200b\u200bof full disclosure responsible, values \u200b\u200bthat are culturally present in feminist demands and marginalized sexuality.
And regarding the identification between scientific progress and capitalist development oppose identity between scientific and personal and collective emancipation.
These proposals do not belong to the territory now distant utopia, but the territory under our feet, because they become sine qua non conditions to make social life possible. The builders of culture in Spain can not afford to live the experience of plunging into the cultural decadence of the bourgeoisie to access a higher stage. History has returned to play the trick of giving them a ticket for a train has already left for good.
First we must relentlessly diagnosing cultural situation that surrounds us: a culture worn, hopeless, tense, exhausted, which does not include the resource, even, the navel-gazing, a means of cultural production increasingly centralized, taken over by the state apparatus or by a private initiative that plays to the benefit or castellated resistance, a real lack of awareness about the situation that affects not only the Philistines, but large segments of the art criticism, both political and cultural as-a theoretical poverty instrumental to offer an alternative, derived mainly from the instrumental conception culture that has so far guided the conduct of political parties on the left, a provision excessively messianic priesthood follow state lucid to the actual dimensions of the problem. And while this diagnosis would be better for any situation and any residual social reality within the capitalist system in Spain that diagnosis is made worse because we come from nowhere to enter fascist abject poverty of democracy: the fear is, therefore, superior the defenders of the castle, impotence is more to the ones before him and the general framework of desolation is damaged because not even a correlation of forces, but a weak correlation.
Perhaps the harshness of open diagnostic prospects for finding a combative strategy. The needs of a progressive culture in Spain starting with the need for awareness of the working classes and that awareness is daily conform to the perceived progressive fracture in reality. The breakdown of the dialectic between need and satisfaction to this need and is now a conscious factor in adverse social conditions in the system. Begins around the new culture. Persuasive capacity of the cultural churches or priests will darken or takes refuge in a hidden language that ends up being simple verbal and not even serve as a deterrent liturgy. Continues around the new culture, forging a language that serves the rising classes to encode the world around him. The centralization imposed by the capitalist or by simple mechanical control appetite, collides with the failure of a passive conception of culture based on slavery against the issuer of the recipient. Burst cultural polycentrism serving the needs of identity and expression of the popular classes.
There are facts, conditions and provisions which, in this sense, and are present throughout the length and width of the peoples of Spain. No one ethnic or supernatural miracle, but as a result of material conditions common throughout the capitalist system. When analysts of bourgeois culture began to question the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress and went back to Bury as a prophet, tried to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bfiniteness of progress, not realizing that they waived the possibility of progress in another sense, without knowing or realizing that they wanted to sink or sink with the ship of capitalist civilization, giving the latest cultural favor of the eulogy. The sense of crisis that surrounds us all that we do or suffer culture or communication and information in Spain is not our crisis. It is the crisis of a system that claims it has attempted complicity to educate and give meaning to our lives and our history. An idiot is a human being who is thrown out the window when you say throw yourself out the window. But even more stupid is that which is thrown out the window without checking first if the window is real or simply drawn.
Even those who are motivated only by the internal logic of communication or culture must clearly see that this logic only continue dialectically linked to the sense of achievement linked to the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bof survival and solidarity. The utopian nightmare of Orwell's humanity totalitarizada in 1984, can be reached on the strength of the fear of not survive, the lack of solidarity of every man for himself.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
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continues the fight against the river of tar sa Riera | | | |
mallorcadiario.com | |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | |
PALMA .- The brigades Balearic Institute Nature (IBANAT) have almost two months removing tar of sa Riera torrent passing through the Mallorcan town of Puigpunyent, without so far have been complete the cleaning operation landfill, which still need another two months cleanup task, being an area protected by the 'Natura' European Union . Ins ven Europa Press reported the general director of Water Resources, Govern, Isidre Cañellas , dumping that caused pollution of the river bed leading to the Port of Palma comes Hotel Son Net, whose oil tank heating drilled when the establishment was closed and caused the leak through the sewers, detected on 26 January. a result of this accident, was discharged 6,000 liters of this hydrocarbon that ended in the Sewage Treatment Station (STP) of Puigpunyent, which contained his breakthrough making travel 4,000 liters to an empty warehouse, but not could prevent 2,000 liters remaining passed into the water treatment process and, hence, to the stream. Cañellas explained that, immediately was launched cleaning process sewage and, above all, the stream bed, which was commissioned IBANAT, which keeps a brigade six workers working in shifts of seven hours in the collection "hand" of tar , which have already withdrawn 15 tons consist of contaminated soil and vegetation. have also been laid at this time a total of 500 meters filter bands, which let water through but block the passage hydrocarbon , and at the same time, you're dealing with products "safe "municipal sewage network and periodic reviews are conducted flow and the stream bed and wells located downstream, which were not affected, said Cañellas. PROTECTED SPECIES not been adversely affected the protected plant species found in the area and workers IBANAT, assured the Director General of Water Resources has indicated that the landfill is currently "very controlled" and the area "almost decontaminated," which has meant spending until now about 75,000 euros . Note that the 'Natura' EU is currently the highest level of environmental protection in Europe, which implies that this type of discharges of pollutants should be removed according to some standards established they are very restrictive, and prevent the use of light or heavy machinery, so that the cleaning process is practically manual. |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
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Diego Arango is one of the artists featured in the Hall of Culture Puigpunyent place which made some beautiful paintings on the ceiling and walls and that the community is proud.
Diego Arango's work is highly regarded in Europe, U.S. and Latin America.
Great art worker, no doubt, with their shapes and color has caught the spirit of international collectors.
Clikee for exhibition brochure
Monday, March 24, 2008
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estadíasticos These data on blood donation in the Balearics and Puigpunyent specifically give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to place our contribution in recent years.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Over Four Weeks With A Viral Ifection

They laughed their peoples and not have cared to human pain.
Just erected in little dictator who abused the good faith belief that democracy gave them.
abused their power, the votes of their people and now have, thanks to their lies and ego trip, more than half a million affected either dead, displaced and injured filled the news daily on the planet.
And most cynical is that two of them ratified five years after the war is just and repeated his scandalous and outrageous decision.
overthrow a dictator and dictators were established white collar underpinned by the constitutions that govern their destinations national.
Where are the war crimes tribunals, LaHaye, the United Nations to judge them as promoters of a war based on lies and generating innocent deaths?
+ + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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HUMANITY DESERVES THAT MUCH PAIN GENERATORS TO ASK FORGIVENESS dead, the wounded, families of those who have been suffering this cruel war.
And unfortunately not been the only ones.
Our history is full of names of politicians from different political signs that tell very easily if a war where they never would not allow his men were.
And we were all so quiet from our screens witnessing human suffering generated by its wrong and selfish decisions. No more war
votos.No more wars with our humanitarian pretexts for the wars is to kill and avoid being matado.No more wars in our name and on behalf of our democracies.
soldiers out of territory where the only thing that matters is the economy and strategies dominio.No more wars where our leaders can not decide for themselves and are driven by higher interests of economy and international politics.
Are we not able to say no to injustice?
Where is the Old Europe that will always lamb to the slaughter as proposed by the Lord Great American interests?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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A stunned We insist for four years to the masterful orchestration of hatred and lies by two media barons: Pedro J. Ramirez and Federico Jimenez Losantos.
thought until two days ago, when Mr Rajoy lost the election, they really were by his side.
is manifested as their friends and once defensores.Pero manifest the people and not providing enough support to Rajoy, these two champions of the pocket and the strategy to make money even at the expense of dividing and Crisp a country, realizing that now not afford to support a loser (who can be a winner in four years), change their stock shares and invest in planting doubt all PP voters who supported her leader.
These two banderilleros thrash information, no matter who, with great unfairness because all they care about is lining their pockets and never let down the audience that sustains its enviable economic status.
Van changing actions in that bag of lies ... not even worth remembering because it began with the conspiracy theory and the last thing you invest is to get a leader who support him yesterday February 11 and they want as their leader because of his real friends more than 10 million who led his party of PP in the general election.
These two are held in the tripod: El Mundo, La Libertad Digital Cope have mounted it masterfully.
The one when you assert something called Today says El Mundo.
When World that has to rely on written assert Libertad Digital and when Jimenez Losantos of Cope when he wants to assert something as notes mentioning and citing what they say the other two legs of the tripod: The World and Digital Freedom .
And this gives a sense of universal truth mismos.Parecen although the army and two men that enhance its image in the mirrors of information.
not right that so many people who have placed their savings in good faith and political hopes on these two champions of illusion, deceive each other.
The left is used to his nonsense and already passed them, simply caricatured in comedy programs.
But how serious this is really the only thing that moves is MONEY WITH CAPITALS.
Rompepatrias, dignitaries broke, break parties, gatherings breaks.
shoot do not care who owns the press, because it is profitable and attracts the attention of the audience.
unmasks But people every day because people who in good faith has often are disappointed and frustrated.
And in honor of the truth: Mr. Pedro J. Ramirez at least keep some composure and not so fond of using it verging on vulgar and distasteful as it does the line worker of the Church. And most contrasting
is having to listen to prayers and petitions for peace and coexistence in the world after listening to the economic mercenary Cope.Diría giving disgust and only comes to mind the image of Jesus that angry with vendors temple. There
Life puts everyone in place because what you sow is collected and who is given to sow hatred and lies have to see him sooner or later face the truth.
And the Church to which they belong so many good people working selflessly around the world will echo this call hate banderillero Jimenez Losantos, through their representatives bureaucracy bureaucrats and bishops, is unworthy and unfair to all those men and women who are truly in the midst of hardship and sacrifice are laying away from love and peace desks and episcopal palaces as alien to the humble carpenter from Galilee. Who
more damage you do is who is sponsoring the hate and deceit and that the bishops who meditate on their spiritual exercises and face value their mistakes because Christians and good people of the church deserve respect from its leaders.
And of course: all the English deserve respect.