Friday, June 27, 2008

Does Heartgold Work With Desume

A And to lighten flight Neblí

The writer Carlos Herrera Rozo starter with a group of people in Calvia digital newspaper kindly given me the opportunity to continue his journey of taking the thinker written there and making him known in these pages.
Thank you for your generosity and good work in the difficult world of reflection.
He and those involved in this new project the best of luck as these roads are built, and growing community that wonderful network of social thought.

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When your journey will start this online journal, dear reader, come to my mind some words written by Franz Kafka, back in 1922, in Prague. His text, which I invite you to read carefully, is as follows:

"Everything allegories * trying to say is simply that the incomprehensible is incomprehensible, and we already know. But the problems we face every day is another matter. On that topic
ask a man once
- Why so much obstinacy? If you followed only allegories, I convertiríais you them in allegories and so resolveríais your everyday problems.
"Another said:" I bet anything that this too is an allegory "
" The first said: "Do cattle"
"The second replied:" But, unfortunately, only allegorically. "
" The first replied: "No . In real life. Allegorically you lost. "

The text, reader, leaves the bitter taste of not having understood anything, the real concern that any interpretation we make about it is false. But behind these initial reactions lies the stark and simple truth, namely that we should read with profit prepared, thoughtfully, always seeking the truth that lies behind the words, just so we get to know that some readings are better than others: more informed, more reliable, more enjoyable, more exciting or more disturbing. Understandably, always, when we read, we are between two paths or more, two or more interpretations of the same text: This means that we face what the text says and what he reads plays. Ernest

Pawell, in his splendid biography of Kafka claims that the author studies exceed 15,000 volumes and Alberto Mangel adds: "Kafka read it literal, allegorical, politically and psychologically. " The fact that a reader transcendent despair, another smile and another cry upon reading the same page tells us something about the nature of the act of reading. Kafka once wrote that "we should only read works, written, and we bite us scratching" and is precisely what we intend to do from these digital pages of this newspaper.

Dear readers, these pages only find objective facts, truths that can be collated and analyzed by all without suffering any errors of course. The everyday problems of our community Calvia and all those who transcend, but in one way or another affect us. Pages that surely will cause surprise and shock, but you never take the path of uncertainty. Zoom out as much as possible of the "politically correct" using language appropriate for us to be interpreted in accordance with the facts and not the gruesome hodgepodge of words: We will call a spade a spade and, wine, wine.

In the next chapter in this column we will try to fill a void that, in my opinion, is absolute in the world we live in: The understanding of democracy in the XXI century. Pretend, dear reader, giving the public as well as to lighten falcon flight, the basic tools that allow understand the political moment in which they live and the practical implications in the decision-making.

will try to develop a systematic brief texts on democracy and tradition of political thought. Will probably not be all text, given the limited time and space, but we will quote the most important. I will make a brief exposition of classical texts and we will with regard to the contemporary world to try to understand the universality of democracy both in the field of international institutions, such as Democracy is related to the domestic political environment.

I am convinced of the importance of the issue before us hereafter, so much so that today we live in a time of great diversity. Divergence of the world we live and our idea of \u200b\u200bit, between our ancestors and our future, between ourselves and the other aspires to fairness and justice, between the wealth we produce, its influence within groups unequal social and income redistribution between the rapid technical development and our inability to control and put at the service of human beings. In the interim of a few decades we have seen the world we knew was fading and appeared before our eyes another entirely different for which we were not prepared nor intellectual, nor conceptually why, even today, have not been able to gauge and understand the mutation.

To close this page I want to make as a reflection on the world we live in and their painful transition, which still draws some unwanted shreds the claim by Mario Vargas Llosa, in relation to the novels of Celine and Louis Fredinand general vision of the world that: "Under the orderly appearance of a world that keeps the forms, nest all kinds of monsters: husbands who take it out of its failure to beat their wives, employees and police officers who beat a brutal colonial Native dizzying, hate the other - a stranger is the neighborhood, or of a different race, language or religion, abuse of authority, and, in the minds of these sick spirits, in short, the secret hope that something, someone finally come to bring order and hierarchies pistol and fuck * in this brothel degenerated into that society has become.

Therefore, respected reader, I invite you to subscribe to this online newspaper. Just simply enter your email address in the special housing.

nothing further until the next issue,

Carlos Herrera Rozo.

* Allegories: "Fiction in virtue of which represents or means something different in otra"
fuck *: 1. loc. Verb. coloq. Echarse to lose badly tener fin.
1. loc. Verb. coloq. Rechazarlo with insolence and abundantly.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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Festivals and traditions of Puigpunyent and porch


The poet Thomas spent a delightful bondadades proclamation highlighting the Galilee and its people. The music Banda Lira Esporlerina encouraged the opening of the Holiday 2007


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The tradition in Galilee S'EMBUTAR

'S GAME S'embutar in Galilee

game where blindfolded participants try to hole out a funnel in an onion that hangs overhead as a group of musicians xeremies prevent them from listening to instructions from the audience. Still held in the Festival of Galilee each year by September.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Prepare Makabuhay

Gabriel Aguilo Matas esculpe a gargoyle in the Third Exhibition of Ecological Puigpunyent

In developing the Ecological Fira Puigpunyent III, the sculptor Gabriel Aguilo Matas gárgola.Piedra create a site that comes to life in his hands inspired é .. We went back to the glorious days of the sculptors who were able to embellish cathedrals, monasteries and monuments along the creation of large human cultures.
privilege is to behold, in the context of a day lit, an artistic creation.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

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