Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Miquel Ramón makes summary of socialist management SENSITIVITY

Video on Miquel Ramón speech you gave in Puigpunyent with a brief summary of the achievements of the PSOE in the four years in office 2004-2008.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

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sensitivity and respect towards life and especially to animals should be standard in every inteligente.Mucho more of a political or seeks to govern a community.
The case of Talavera de la Reina has called attention to the seriousness that implies that a politician shows his lack of sensitivity towards animals.
This email a friend sent me vet Mallorca and is endorsed by the press is worth reading: Hello

em sap greu aquets toujours tenir to send nasty emails. Aquest senyor, abaixo you go after the noun is present in the partit popular llista de la Reina Tavera per aquesta Darrera eleccions. Aixo is the type of gent that ens is to represent them as institucions?. The protective Talavera has been reported. Reenviasiu we ask that you mail all the known and separately reenviasiu the council and political groups and social conegueu.Estaria reenviasim very well that the City Council Talavera mail also to see that very Sario. It's amazing how cold blood of these photographs. A kind

Thanks for your collaboration

Partido Popular, Talavera de la Reina.

That is for the complaints: the town hall

Phone: 925720100 Fax 925800096
the mayor Mail:

The article published by the the next (27th edition February 2008)

denounce a candidate for the PP in Talavera animal abuse

Denuncian a un candidato del PP de Talavera por maltrato animales
Photo taken from his blog
The Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants "Noah's Ark" has reported to an investigating judge Jaime Ferrero Avila, one of the candidates of the PP in the last municipal elections Talavera de la Reina, for an alleged crime of abuse and cruelty to pets.
According to the complaint to that currently has access EFE, the Humane Association Talavera received an email with several photos (attached to the complaint) in which the defendant appears holding a number of cats that look dead or drugged and obvious signs of violence (blood in the neck).
This association sent the documents to the Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants "Noah's Ark", which was finally that the complaint has been filed in a magistrate's court of Albacete.
Ferrero Avila is a member of New Generation's Party and was ranked number 24 in the municipal lists by this party in Talavera de la Reina.
The photographs, which would be hosted on a Web site called Tuenti-which your library is private access, "shown to the defendant posing with up to seven of these pets.
According to some photos that had access EFE, the militant youth of the PP, while smiling, holding a cat by the tail and other body parts, grouped in bunches or individually exposed in humiliating positions, a clear attitude of fun and derision.
The association "Noah's Ark" understands that these images also appear in others, may constitute evidence or proof of commission of a crime because it is "difficult" that could have occurred while the death of all animals, and not the result of a "violent and cruel behavior."
Speaking to EFE, the provincial president of New Generations of Toledo, Juan José mayor, explained that this evening will meet the provincial executive committee to discuss the possible suspension of membership of Ferrero Avila.
precisely Mayor has called for this afternoon in Toledo a press conference to report on this matter.
On the other hand, the full City of Talavera de la Reina held last night the popular municipal councilor group María Ángeles Núñez put questions the government team on the care given to animals in the pound. Núñez
echoed criticism last week poured the Humane Association of Talavera de la Reina on the status of the pound and the high rate of animals that are slaughtered there.

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As a simple citizen whose only desire peace and harmony I can not express my experience to attend the rally by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero called in Palma de Mallorca.
because I believe in projects that carry out the socialists and especially those pertaining to the advancement of the rights of sociedad.No mean that other parties do not deserve my respect for one another in greater or lesser extent have contributed part of the welfare we enjoy today.
I do not like parties that turn their energies in a triumphalism exagerado.Creo be fought with enthusiasm for what that is believed but not abandon the idea that all others who do not vote for our project should be deeply respected .
In this respect one another are guilty of political infantilism: I'm better than the other and out of this assessment is not possible policy.
But I remember what my grandfather told me Mark, Son when you older and have to decide by a politician or another vote for the lesser evil. Ask
perfection to a state of things human, is imperfect and brief in time, is to be commended, but we all know, absolutely everyone, no politician in particular can solve the intricate and complex problems facing society which requires enormous time slot to go achieving goals that you feel necessary to achieve a bit more humanity, spirituality and justice for all. Every politician
fight, and I believe sincerely, to improve its sociedad.Excepciones there are but are not the rule.
therefore seen as providing the political field country at this time I'll stick with Zapatero and I hope that those lost, are the sign they are, encourage social growth from the opposition because opposition must be mean building and help to build who runs the destiny of a society.
The opposition can not be based on selfish and angry innanición trying to destroy and not giving a grain of sand to the progress of a society.
For these reasons I am inclined to who best expresses, at the moment, an idea closer to the advancement of human rights in general.
others if I think it also proposed what could be done but must refrain from vices of exaggeration, shape reality at will and other buts know each other.
Leaning toward a group that, although imperfect, has a better chance of social construction.
And forgive me all my dear friends and even family members who are on the other side of my political vision.
de100 Everyone in years we were in life and survive only what we wanted to contribute with our dignity and our little grain of honesty.

offer this video of last night's rally of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in Palma deMallorca and I praise the motto DEFEND THE JOY.
Whom win elections and who will lose at least have the satisfaction of having fought for what they believed.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

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Women in Film Geography

delicious E ste video reminds us of the great women of film.
Who has not felt attracted to them or the characters who they represent?

Friday, February 22, 2008

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Puigpunyent The term covers an area of \u200b\u200b42.3 km 2 , which makes it the 31 th largest island. Located west of the island and the municipalities llindaner Calvia, Palma, Esporles Banyalbufar Estellencs.

The population census in 1996 was 1084 inhabitants (42nd in importance of the island) and presents two historical centers inhabited: Puigpunyent, which gives its name to municipality, and Galilee.

A series of valleys.

The Municipal Demarcation spanning three valleys in the western part of the Sierra, the Puigpunyent, arranged in a direction roughly EW elongated and furrowed by Sa Riera and the Galatzó will run at the southern part, where the stream begins Galatzó, and towards the Tramuntana header width of Comellar Superna and Son Noguera, where the stream starts Esporles.

The highlight of the term is Galatzó hill (1027 m), the peak of which is shared with Calvin and Estellencs. Other elevations are the main pillars of Puigpunyent Planícia-bordering-Banyalbufar (898 m), the mole of Na-Ferdinand otherwise known as target-Ram (833 m) located Esporles threshold and a set of wheels that found near its border with Calvia, which will highlight the mill Cotoner Son (559) and the mole Bauçana Na (616 m). Other peaks are noted at the peak of his Petra (765 m) and Fatima na (477 m).

The reliefs in this part of the Tramuntana mountains are characterized by the presence of large packages margocalcàries, together with its structural arrangement, favor some relief based on the absence of sharp peaks and therefore , is dominated by the wheels with the relatively culminal planenca or, at best, rounded. Mount Galatzó, which serves as background behind the valley of Puigpunyent, constitutes an exception to this rule and its limestone landscape of large packages of peeled and its summit offers a more well-pronounced near the central Sierra that of its surroundings.

Despite the predominance of rounded hills, the town has, overall, a very pronounced relief and surly because they are abundant rocks of the massive limestone, like a big steps surrounding the different wheels. At the bottom of this timber are developed powerful gullies on slopes which are particularly noticeable in the lower part of the imposing cliff east of the hill where there is an active Galatzó rossegueres system, fed by the constant falling blocks .

the valley floor deposits are not very powerful material deposited time courses by torrential geologically very recent (Quaternary).

units landscape out

The landscape of the different valleys of Puigpunyent, following the disposal of materials and height , available in three estatges or flats: forests, olive groves and valley bottoms.

culminating part of the peaks is the domain of forests, which are oak in the northern part of the municipality, while in the foothills of the mill and Na Son Cotoner Bauçana pine predominate.

Beneath the forests previously occupied a wide band until a few decades ago by olive groves and garroverars, often also associated with almonds. The upper limit of marked trees to a height of approximately 600 meters above sea level, mainly due to climatic reasons. Most of these slopes are conditioned by complex systems of terraces, some of which are built with special care, especially near the houses of possession, or in small circles around the garden of sources. The presence of large areas of margins and lack of maintenance has caused the state of conservation of terraced cultivation is in danger of disappearing, affected by destructive processes of esboldrecs and landslides.

As sets of terraces are more accurate out of the surrounding houses Son Forteza and Son Net, as well as Sa Coma.

The bottom of the valleys is a third type landscape shaped by a mosaic of small plots watered, sementers of cereals and pulses and riparian forests. Watering areas take advantage of contributions from various sources, especially abundant in the area of \u200b\u200bSuperna, and engaged in diversified fields, from deciduous fruit, citrus and small patches of vegetables. The circles devoted to cereals and pulses, never very extensive, taking advantage of deposits of the terraces of streams. Very characteristic of the term are the woods, following the deciduous trees line the various waterways.

The two small villages City have been integrated into these units and Puigpunyent sits squarely in the landscape of the valley, as Galilee is located on a hillside of olive and almond trees.

The steady abandonment of farmland has altered the scheme ideal landscapes at different levels and many of formerly cultivated slopes and terraces have been occupied by pine forest formations or thickets with high prevalence of strawberry.

Galatzó The hill and its immediate surroundings are outside the scheme landscape described above, as the geological characteristics of the area, quite contrasting with the rest, the impact of fires and aggressive farming practices produce a unique location, where the top of the hill has no tree cover and appears busy by reeds and bearing formations, while the forests colonizing the lower slopes are usually recent reforestation, with great masses of pine forest.

climatic features

The climate of the term of Puigpunyent is a good example of the variety Mediterranean climate that characterizes the Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca, with relatively abundant rainfall.

Average annual rainfall observatories for the term of Puigpunyent is variable and increases significantly towards the western parts and higher. On the outskirts of town, at Son Net, average annual precipitation is 716.5 mm (observed during the long period from 1949 to 1999), these values increased to the highest part of town so his bell-Observatory located 544 meters above sea level, during the same period the average is 810.9 mm. The totals are very irregular year to year, such as very wet year of 1951 stands, which were collected in his bell and Son Net 1435.4 mm 1218.1 mm; other periods exceptionally rainy years were 1957 to 1959 where in his bell were greatly exceeded 1000 mm threshold was also reached in much of the early 1971/80. But there have been other periods significantly dry: highlights very, 1983 where they only Son Net 289.1 mm rain, the 1960 was, overall, very dry, especially in 1965 when no observatory went out of the 450 mm, and were only Son Net 365 mm.

monthly rainfall distribution fits the model of strong summer drought, almost complete in July, and up to October, with numbers also notorious in November and December . Overall autumn, winter and early spring months weather (March-April) also receive significant amounts of rain.

As is common on the island there is a marked irregularity of the daily amounts of rain. Later in the afternoon values \u200b\u200bof precipitation collected in 24 hours are very remarkable. The historical record highs at the end of Puigpunyent have been on 14 January 1978, with 201 mm and 173.4 mm in healthy Tinkerbell Son Net. On 21 November 1951 also the amount collected his bell was considerable (183.7 mm), and during the violent storm on 25 September 1971 (175 mm). On 31 December 1972 was also rained out with great intensity and especially in the vicinity of Galilee, where his Garrigueta Observatory achieved 180 mm in 24 hours.

In addition to the precipitation as rain, snow occasionally occur, though they rarely get to take the bottom of the valley and mountains that are restricted to the surround. Some relatively recent storms are very abundant in February 1981, January 1985 and November 2000, in addition to the historic snowfall of February 1956.

In the absence of instrumental data, climate models indicate the sector of a town average annual temperature of 16.9 C or with an annual oscillation, which places the minimum monthly average in January (10.3 or C) and the highest monthly average in August (25.5 or C).

In colder months of the year may present strong temperature inversions, during which accumulates at the bottom of the valleys cold air, which is dammed to form a feature during haze the mornings and helping the frost, this phenomenon is particularly vitenc the outskirts of the town and can frequented September in March.

more intense heat waves in summer are in situations of strong winds in southern component, which in resclafen down from the peaks surrounding Puigpunyent, lack of observatories thermometer can offer no concrete data to illustrate it.

The wind regime of the term is sufficiently proven, highly modified for provision of relief and orientation of the valleys and hillsides of Galilee and the sector targeted to remain open to Calvia winds south component, especially llebeig, while the rest of the municipality is enough shelter. The same can be said about the attacks, maritime winds daily source of middle of the day during the summer, only to arrive, and very attenuated the slopes that hang around Calvia coastline as the rest of the term is almost outside his influence. For this reason the average daily maximum temperatures in July and August is quite high and exceeds the 31 or C, the absence of the cooling effect of the marinade.

The hydrography

The term of Puigpunyent is crossed by several streams which, especially in the case of Sa Riera and Son Noguera, Superna torrent, bring water during relatively prolonged periods of time, fed by springs.

The stream that drains much of the province's Sa Riera, which runs through the valley lies the core population, and almost cut in half term. It is a stream with a sufficiently developed network of tributaries that make up the town near the convergence of different branches open as a range (Comellar Puig de sa Parra ravine Fund and Comellar Sa Coma) and then during the road to Palma plan receives aportacios of gullies and Comellars, coming mainly from the foothills of the mole Na Ferdinand (comma na Comellar Ferrera and Son Bridge).

Superna The valley is covered by the torrent of the same name that runs north toward Esporles, and is the main tributary of the river branch of St. Peter, which runs through this village neighborhood.

Both Sa Riera as Superna torrent finish the trip in the bay of Palma, the first in the town of Palma, while the second is one of the branches that make up the stream Gros, ending between Es Molinar and neck in Rabassa.

southwestern part of the term of Puigpunyent, corresponding to the vicinity of Galilee, pour water into the slope of Andratx and Calvia, and indeed the main streams of the term in Calvia, the torrent Galatzó has much of his header inside Puigpunyent province, as Gust and Son Court.

torrents out of the torrents have generated quite important and indeed the genesis of major floods in the history of Majorca (in the revingudes Sa Riera 1403, 1444, 1618 , 1635, 1734, 1750 and 1850) started to search contributions in the area of \u200b\u200bPuigpunyent. A torrent is remembered especially the most recent 25 September 1962, when a very intense wash (although with a total rainfall not exceeding 100 mm long) spawned widespread of all overflow torrents of the term: in the vicinity of the village water roars from the mountains did damage many orchards and gardens, including the iconic Son Forteza. The flood of Sa Riera arrived at Palma, where the destruction was very important to the mouth. The flood of water from Superna denied the largely urban Esporles id'igual way out of Calvia was affected by the full flow that came down from the mill and Na Son Cotoner Bauçana.

The complex geological structure of the different valleys, and the alternation of permeable materials Waterproof and favors the presence of different sources, usually shortly copious, which traditionally have nurtured the term of water resources and that have served both for the supply of different watering and to move water mills.

Some of the most important are the source of his mask, Sa Coma, s'Ermita Son Forteza, Hortalutx Son Puig, and Son is Ratxo Vic.

In contrast to the abundance of sources at the bottom of the valley, the upper slopes of olive groves is not occupied by important flows, except very copious springs at the foot of gullies, as the source from Pi.

biogeographic characterization

Puigpunyent The term has a very important forest, to the extent that virtually 65% of the municipal area is occupied by casual or spontaneous formations of trees. The area currently under cultivation is reduced to little more than 20%, a value lower the island.

The high points of the hill occupied by reeds Galatzó are living with the set of species characteristic of flat Balearic culminal with proliferation of endemism. Very notable is the presence of vegetation, rock, equally characterized by endemic species, the foot of the hill itself.

At the same location between the root and rossegueres and rocky landings are almost endemic bosquerrons of boxwood (Buxus balearica ), these environments are all rooting of deciduous rotaboc ( Steel opulifolium ).

To root out the highlights of the rare subspecies of mountain juniper Juniperus Phoenicia Phoenicia. But among the special biogeographic Puigpunyent which has become perhaps the most famous is the location of the only examples of spontaneous Oak Mallorca, rooted at the foot of Puig des Oaks, on the shores of Sa Riera and Gardens Son Forteza, hybrid species belonging Quercus cerrioides .

Another biogeographic enough known is the presence of large masses of oak Balearic ( Cyclamini-Quercetum Illica) mainly in the foothills of Na and Ferran ft Props to Boston from Planícia fact these forests, with continuity in terms of neighbors Estellencs Esporles Banyalbufar and make one of the best examples of this vegetation formation on the island.

If forests are naturalistic element characterize peaks, deep valleys of the abundance of waterways to flow for long periods has encouraged the growth of riparian trees gallery forests, which follow the course of Sa Riera and are probably the best example of this type of training throughout Mallorca. Among the species include the presence of elm (Ulmus minor ) and bananas ( Platanus ssp. ), lice ( Populus ssp.) And an abundance of ash (Fraxinus angustifolia ).


Historically, Puigpunyent has constituted one of the municipalities with smaller population of the island, and the various population estimates during the Middle Ages never exceed 500 people, apparently limit was exceeded for the first time towards 1573. The term population growth was especially important to the period from 1724 until the 1840s, which went from 679 to 1913 residents in just over 100 years. The optimal values \u200b\u200bof the first decades nineteenth century, however not return to get at any other time since the town suffered a severe demographic downturn towards the 1860 year of 1550 the population had decreased. The early twentieth century was accompanied by a straightening population, with a best time in 1910, which counted 1804 puigpunyentins. The twentieth century from the 1920s has been characterized by a massive loss of population hit bottom in 1980, with only 1,030 residents, and the order of magnitude around the 1100 census has been kept up present.

currently (2001) the demographic structure of Puigpunyent is aging, and growth is negative for decades, but is offset by immigration. The newcomers, usually originating diveros European countries, have come mainly because of tourism, residential, and in 1991 the natives of other states already totaled more than 15% of the population, and in the case came from Galilee to form one third of the residents.

prevailing professional activities are related to the last official census (1991) with the services sector (70.4%) and to a lesser extent the secondary and construction (20.99%), while agriculture was less than 6% of mean assets .

Traditionally, the population was distributed Puigpunyent disseminated by the various estates and established the term and concentrated population centers, as well Puigpunyent Galilee gradually became not until late the Modern Age.

The main town the town takes an elongated shape, probably having been growing following the road that leads to the threshold Esporles and the four properties that converge in the area (Brown Son, Son Forteza, Son and Grandson Son Puig). It is comprised of two distinct areas, the northern and oldest Son is known as Bruno, and the Town located in the south around the church and had no buildings around the temple until the nineteenth century almost .

Galilee fails to have an urban structure configured properly but it is a relatively isolated group of dwellings next. Its origin must be sought in the late fourteenth century, with the transfer that made the owners Martin and Son Son Corte land site named because they establish healthy Moleta laborers.

(taken Puigpunyent City Hall official page)